There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.
From an early age I wanted to understand what is the ‘true’ nature of our human experience. Being involved in sports and martial arts for many years, the connection between our physical manifestation, emotions and ways of thinking/behaviour was also an important and intriguing issue.
Along the paths of my life, as all humans I made mistakes, had victories, but my main objective was to observe, learn and understand my own limitations/shortcomings. All this led to studying religion, myths, spiritual traditions and methods of development.
During my professional path I had the opportunity to work in truly diverse environments, from being a stuntman, academic lecturer to HR director in geographical Europe and even Africa.
My academic education in psychology gave me an understanding of how many uncharted and unknown areas of the ‘human existence’ there still are.
During my martial art training, following my own interests and individual work with people I have had the possibility to validate the numerous tools I have met along the way. I have had the opportunity to meet incredible, fascinating people and learn a lot from them, truly grateful that our paths have crossed.
Sharing knowledge allows it to develop and grow, my goal is to help others and share what has been taught to me. Every experience should be a learning process for all that are involved.
Ideals do not exist in matter but it’s worth striving towards them, as long as we learn and develop.