
Since all groups are different, so is every workshop.


Stress alleviation. Exploring our inner deeper states combining: relaxation techniques, movement and body work, learning to see more by letting go ... shifting our consciousness from the outside- to the inner world…. Deep states that allow you to re-establish your perspective starting from the physical level.


Exploration of the breathing process will provide You with a deeper knowledge and experience of its outstanding impact.

Setting up the breathing cycles and their range is a long term process demanding commitment. Breathwork itself is a combination of static and dynamic techniques, essential for correct and safe bodywork.


The goal is to develop a true consciousness and fluidity of movement, overcoming our habits, our programmed reactions, regaining as much control as possible.

This work enables us to change the movement range, physical dexterity, resilience and proneness to contusions. Working on our limitations allows us to reach a deeper level of adaptation. We gain insight on how the surrounding world affects us at a physical, emotional and mental level.

Observing and understanding our body reactions, sensations in response to our surroundings, gives us a broader range of perception. Experiencing a bigger picture allows us a ‘freedom’ to choose adequate reactions, overcoming our habits and programming.

SPORTS - dedicated

Understanding the pressure of competition and expectations, I know these tools can be extremely useful for competing or amateur athletes.

Providing a deeper understanding and additional control on a physical level, along with personal development is crucial in achieving the limits of our possibilities.

Workshops will allow to develop skills on a higher level and re-discover mastered disciplines, fuelling new passion for the sport.

Individual work on a psychological / therapeutic level -overcoming the 'burnout syndrome' and its consequences may help to get a sports career or passion 'back on track'.

Stepping away from a competing carrier can sometimes also be a problem…


  • MMA
  • Kickboxing
  • Box
  • Triathlon
  • Rugby
  • Gimnastics
  • Dancing - contact improv, theatre groups


‘Emotions Untangled’- a bit of theory allowing us to explore and map our individual emotions.

A practical workshop providing tools to work with emotional problems (basic concepts and practice). What our experiences consist of, how to fully grasp them, how to discharge the emotional energy locked in memories and past events.

Personal development / Tools of Non-Duality

An individualised process of releasing emotional and mental charge connected to existential concepts.

Direct experience of non-duality states, resolving fundamental conceptual conflicts manifesting from the unconscious using non-directive techniques. Approaching polarities and their manifestation in Your daily life.

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice, while in practice there is.